In our legal system, within certain limits, the rules of any association of persons, whether natural or legal persons, can be freely established. We call it “writing the rules of the game.” It is a fascinating creative activity, but also a technical one. The freedom granted by our laws is limited by mandatory essential requirements and by the demand to create balanced, comprehensive articles of association and regulations without inherent inconsistencies.
Any democratic association can only do so by electing its representatives. Therefore, running for office or voting also means taking an active part in the needs of a community or body.
The act of voting is often perceived as a mere right, yet few voters or candidates dwell on the work behind an election. In order not to nullify the efforts made by candidates and voters, the result must be undisputable.
Studio Legale Salata offers its clients the experience gained in participating from a technical standpoint in elections of entities, companies and associations.
Drawing up clear rules, foreseeing possible regulatory conflicts, simulating voting procedures in order to look for possible unforeseen events, anticipating their solution, is the best way to make the election result unassailable.
The main services we offer in this area are: