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The taxman is perceived as the first enemy of Italian companies. It represents a state that claims to be a majority shareholder, without making any contributions or services to the business. The tax burden on Italian companies has become unbearable. Governments come and go promising aid, which is often insubstantial or unattainable.

In the crusade that we fight every day alongside the entrepreneurs we assist, we must deploy every means at our disposal to tackle the tax burden. By means of well-established partnerships with accountants and labour consultants, but also as a result of our continuous legal training achieved thanks to substantial investments in the most advanced legal databases, we are able to defend the interests of those who rely on our advice.

The tax appeal is the last resort when dialogue and mediation with the public administration fail. It is the hardest court proceedings because it often requires multiple instances of proceedings to be effective.

We defend our clients before the Tax Commissions by preparing the relevant appeals against tax assessment notices and tax settlement notices, against the registration and the tax debt collection orders and any other document that can be challenged under the law.

Studio Legale Salata does not give up and defends the rights of its clients in all courts.