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We live in a time where about 33% of legal disputes arise in condominiums! In our opinion, this happens because most Italians own the house they live in and the house is the primary asset of every Italian family.

From our perspective, house protection is second only to family protection.

Studio Legale Salata has decades of experience in working with leading condominium management companies in Rome. We have been defending private property, both sole and shared, in condominiums for years, working alongside professional management companies.

Managing a condominium has become a complex and often underestimated task. Many simply do not seem to realise that a condominium manager should also be a lawyer, an accountant, a surveyor, and a psychologist, just to name but a few. This is why we have chosen to provide legal assistance to condominium managers. What is more, we wanted to put ourselves in the shoes of professional condominium managers. This is why Ms Vanessa Ivone has attended and passed the certification exam of ANAMMI, the National-European Association of Property Managers.

Studio Legale Salata has a wealth of experience in challenging condominiums’ meetings resolutions and advising condominiums through alternative methods of dispute resolution. More often than not, very little is needed to defuse disputes that could last for years and greatly affect the personal well-being of all parties involved. Assisted as they are by experienced engineers, surveyors, accountants and condominium managers, we at Studio Legale Salata guarantee services of unparalleled quality and speed.

Some of the issues we can help you with include:

  • Challenges to condominiums’ meeting resolutions;
  • Assistance or representation during condominium meetings;
  • Revoking a condominium manager;
  • Pro -veritate opinions
  • Drafting and correction of condominium rules;
  • Procurement contracts;
  • Property management;
  • Management of the working relationship with doormen;
  • Managing the working relationship with gardeners;
  • Management of critical issues related to infiltration and subsidence;
  • Management of insurance claims.

Please contact our law firm specialising on condominiums for an initial free consultation, we will gladly help you defuse a condo dispute!