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Usucapione is one of the ways of acquiring property by original title. The public, undisputed and continuous possession of a property determines the acquisition of its ownership by the possessor.

People buy land or a house through usucapione far more often than you imagine.

Usucapione can be recognised by civil mediation with the consent of the formal possessors, or by court proceedings. In this type of cases, documentary and witness evidence become essential. It is necessary to engage professionals who can identify as much documentary evidence as possible that are relevant for the decision. This is where our law firm’s experienced lawyers specialising in usucapione come into play. The same applies when it comes to finding witnesses who will be able to convince the judge of their reliability.

Usucapione does not mean only bringing an action. In the past, we resisted third-party usucapione claims based on unreliable witness evidence or documents. In these cases, the job of the lawyer specialising in usucapione and the consultants they work with is to refute the other side’s evidence.

Usucapione lawsuits are very common in condominiums or between neighbours. Sometimes the usucapione requirements can be confused with the charges or easements that encumber certain types of real estate property. For this reason, you need lawyers who are able to carry out a valid and effective preliminary examination.

For any real estate issues please do not hesitate to contact Studio Legale Salata. Remember, we don’t just work for clients, we assist them!